Center for Hybrid Intelligence
Center for
Hybrid Intelligence
Center for Hybrid Intelligence (CHI) faculty have expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Collaborative Systems, Data Science, Computer Vision, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Behavioral Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Optimization, Applied Math, and Software Development. CHI will continue to grow through hiring of new core faculty members, increasing its affiliate faculty membership, involving students in hybrid intelligence research, and developing collaborations with regional research institutions, industry, and nonprofits.
Core Faculty
(click on profile for more info)
Slobodan Vucetic, Director
Computer and Information Sciences
(artificial intelligence, data science)
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Eduard Dragut
Computer and Information Sciences
(information integration, natural language processing)
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Longin Jan Latecki
Computer and Information Sciences
(comuter vision, machine learning)
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Afilliated Faculty
Marcus Bingenheimer
(natural language processing, philosophy of AI)
Donald Hantula
(behavior science)
Daniel Jacobs
Mechanical Engineering
(assistive robotics)
John Nosek
Computer and Information Sciences
(collaborative learning)
Benjamin Seibold
(applied math)
Geoffrey Wright
Public Health
(cognitive neuroscience)