Center for Hybrid Intelligence

Center for
Hybrid Intelligence

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Stephen MacNeil
Profile Stephen MacNeil
Assistant professor
Computer and Information Sciences
Office SERC 322
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Stephen MacNeil

The goal of Dr. MacNeil’s research is to democratize expert processes so that everyone can participate. His background in human-computer interaction, social computing, and learning sciences puts him in a unique position to help scaffold and coordinate non-experts so they can participate meaningfully at scale.

As a member of the Center for Hybrid Intelligence, Dr. MacNeil will focus on how people can shape and be shaped by algorithms and technology. He is specifically interested in exploring whether and how non-experts can be involved in the design of algorithms. He is also interested in the ways that algorithms can scaffold adaptive learning opportunities and coordinate large-scale civic participation.

Please reach out if you would like to discuss collective intelligence, participatory data science, explainable AI, or co-creativity.